Sunday, August 22, 2010

On Being a Preacher's Wife

After being married to Jeff for almost 28 years and of those almost 28 years the same number have been as a minister's wife, I have come to the conclusion that God certainly knew what he was doing putting us together.  I can only count the number of times I have heard "you are not like most minister's wives."  I never quite know how to respond--is that a good thing or a bad thing??  I started going to church when I was about eight years old but didn't really ever know a "pastor's wife" until I met Linda Rymer at First Baptist Church Whitewright.  She was a teacher, mom, and seemed to have tons of fun.  I digress here because I didn't think about trying to be like her, just that she was the first minister's wife I knew.  There were other pastor's wives throughout my junior high and high school years but I never thought I would ever be in shoes such as theirs.  Some where quiet, some where "strange", some I never really got to know, but it seemed as if there were several things they had in common.  They were all working moms--most teachers, and a few could play the piano (I think that was a requirement back in the day).

I knew when I left for A&M that there were two types of men I would never marry--ministers and superintendent of schools.  No way, no how.  It's funny how God laughs at our decisions.  I met Jeff, he was going to be a lawyer, and then after falling in love with the guy who was going to make lots of money being a lawyer, God decides that Jeff is called to the ministry.  Whoa--not going to happen.  I can still remember the phone call--he was in St. Louis serving as a summer missionary--this was interrupting my plans.  Ministry wives were a little dull, really godly, and went to church ALL THE TIME!  Don't get me wrong, I liked church, I loved God, and wanted to serve.  Only I didn't want to HAVE to do those things.  I wanted my way.  Gee do I sound like Lori?

So today I'm sitting in church listening to Jeff preach.  I played the piano today--not very proficient I might add--these reading glasses and little black notes don't always read the same way.  I deter from what I was thinking.  God knew more about my plans.  He didn't ask me to be a minister's wife.  I didn't have to fit a mold.  I just needed to be me. Jeff told a story about an argument we had about cleaning the garage.  It was funny and appropriate and if anybody learned that we face the same kinds of bumps in the road that's good!  Okay God knew putting the two of us together was the right thing.  We haven't changed.  We're not too godly--actually still working on trying every day to be who God asked us to be. Still go to church because I want too and haven't ever tried to be anybody that I'm not.  I'm loud, I love to dance, sing, and clap my hands in church, and all the while being a child of the living God.

Saturday, August 21, 2010 first blog.

This first blog is a test blog. Lori set this up for me and I'm just making sure it works!
