Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Teaching is Not for Sissys

Today was one of the worst days I have ever experienced as a teacher.  I don't know if it happened because I'm teaching a subject that maybe I'm not fully qualified for, if its because I'm 50 and life is starting to change, or just that it was "one of those days."  I had to walk out of my classroom at least three or four times today--I didn't want to let teenagers know they were getting to me--but they did.

It's on days like this I miss my mom.  She wasn't a sissy.  Those kids wouldn't have made her cry.  Too bad I didn't inherit some of that "Younda" spirit.  I managed to get home before completely losing all control.  I think Jeff and I saw a movie back in the 80s called "Take This Job and Shove It."  I wanted to do that today.  Walk out the door and not let the door hit me in the backside.  Do I do this job just to collect a paycheck?  Do I do this job because in Del Rio this is nothing else for a non-Spanish speaker to do?  Do I really love kids?  Do I want to continue to work to help my "growing" up family be able to pursue their dreams?  The answer to all is yes, but I am still dreading going back tomorrow.

A pep talk might help--I've been giving myself one since 3:30.  Just about five kids are making my life at school miserable.  But its time again to put on my "Big Girl Panties" and go to work!  Pray for me.
