Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back to School

After spending the summer packing, moving, packing some more, staging the house, and moving some more its that wonderful time that all parents look forward to--back to school.  I'm neither excited nor depressed about the new school year.  As of today, I don't really know what I'll be teaching (other than Journalism and Theater) and I'm just blah on the new year.  Hopefully once I get back into the swing of things I will find some enthusiasm!  Jeff and I just rented our house and the tenants want to move in September 1.  That means all the lovely staging I did for the house needs to be packed up and moved again.  But alas, I think Jeff will have to be the moving company.  The weekend began early this morning. Jeff shared some of his devotional about being an egg--something about either hatch or go bad.  I wasn't listening very well.  There is rain coming down outside--All of the dogs are laying around sleeping and I'm not sure what is in store for today.  What I do know, school starts back on Monday and for the first time in a while--I really don't mind.

1 comment:

  1. we sure do miss y'all!!!! I believe that you are going to love teaching journalism and theater! when i was in highschool drama was such a blast! as i recall we did not get sent to the principal's office ...that class was too much fun to misbehave in. we got five inches of rain on thursday night. I hope that when y'all can that y'all will come down and visit the church to see us all.

